Missions Committee

MISSIONS COMMITTEE: THANKS SO MUCH for bringing diapers, baby wipes, and various other baby products during September. FOR THE MONTH OF OCTOBER we are collecting pasta and pasta sauce for the HELPING HANDS FOOD BANK. Please leave your donated items on the table under the stairway by the church office. Read more…

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Thanks to the members of our Prayer Shawl Ministry, each of the Salkehatchie workers coming to Dillon in July—and Dillon workers—received a prayer cloth like the one pictured above. Each cloth, which includes a cross knitted in the center, was accompanied by the attached prayer:   “Dear Lord, please hear Read more…

Musical Notes – August 2015

One month of summer vacation is left. The end of August will see school resuming, and September will bring the resuming of weekly rehearsals for The Charles Wesley Choir, The Sarah Allen Handbell Choir, and The Junior Handbell Choir. Please watch your September newsletter and bulletins for details.   I Read more…