United Methodist Women – January 2016

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JANUARY 2016 United Methodist Women


January 10—2:30 p.m. Executive Board Meeting-Asbury Hall

January 17—2:30 p.m. General Meeting and Memorial Service—Asbury Hall

January 22—11:00 a.m. Soup and Sandwich Luncheon Fellowship Hall

I would like to thank Susan Newton, Jackie Rowland, Gail Pope, and Kay Summerlin for their assistance in getting out the 2016 UMW Yearbooks. Thank you!



January 11—3:15 p.m. Wightman-Cottingham Circle meets with Dorothy Bethea.

January 12—7:00 p.m. Mamie Lane/Kate McLaurin Circle meets with Alice Braddy in Asbury Hall.

I hope you have all had a joyous and blessed Christmas.  I send New Year’s greetings to each of you, wishing you good health and happiness.  May the spirit of Christmas live within us all year through.

Jan Austin