Spiritually Speaking – August 2018
Are You Willing to Work to Make a Difference at Main Street?
As of July 24, our Nominating Committee is actively seeking members who want to make a positive difference in our church.
The vision of Main Street United Methodist Church is:
“To follow the example of Jesus Christ and To be an example to the world.”
1. To follow the example of Jesus Christ!
Jesus was a Servant Leader, and He believed in service and sacrifice.
What does Servant Leadership look like in the 21st Century?
A. A Servant Leader should be modest. He should be sympathetic with the weak—and merciful to those who make mistakes.
B. He should lead with the influence of example and relationship, not from position and pressure.
C. He should exercise authority when necessary for progress toward the mission – but not for personal gain.
D. He should lead by personally being involved in caring for people and their needs, not demanding that his own needs are met.
E. Finally, a Servant Leader should give direction, equip others for work, and use his character and gifts for God’s Kingdom.
2. To be an example to the world:
A mature Christian is someone who is a model, a pacesetter; someone who influences others in positive ways according to biblical standards! This is crucial to effective ministry in the world. People can never be biblical leaders and truly mature, until they come to realize that God has called them to be examples to others.
One’s true spirituality, or godliness (or lack thereof) is revealed in our actions. Such actions will, of necessity, influence others either for good or for evil. In order to be truly mature—and a leader, one must accept this as a reality of leadership.
In regard to being examples to others, it is helpful to consider the following principles:
1. Being a godly example is not an option. It is commanded in the Scriptures.
2. We have no choice in being an example of some kind and having an impact on those around us, but we do have a choice in the kind of witness and impact we provide.
Someone is going to follow us and be influenced by us. The questions are: Do we know where we are going? Are we providing the kind of example that will enhance their lives, or are we like the blind leading the blind?
3. We need Christian maturity that provides people with real honest-to-God examples of authentic Christ-like living.
Jesus took common men and made them into great men who became spiritual leaders, because they were experiencing Him through the power of the Spirit of God.
4. Mature Christians and leaders have a responsibility to maintain a consistent example. Nothing brings about spiritual change in the lives of others more than one’s own example.
If we teach our children about the importance of the Lord, of loving others, of the Word, do we demonstrate the reality of this by following the right priorities ourselves?
Or do we find every possible excuse to stay home? Do we allow our family to engage in pursuits that keep us away from church? This basically says that these other pursuits are more important than the Lord.
Do we teach our children the principles of being on time, of doing all things decently and in order? Then are we consistently late? Do our children miss Sunday School or church, because we are so disorganized that we can’t make it?
Every believer’s life is to become a source of motivation and direction for others. We are to be a picture of reality, a proof that Jesus Christ saves and changes lives—so we can become a powerful magnet that draws others to Christ.
“Jesus’ Example of Servant Leadership”,
Reverend Christopher L. Scott
Rocky Hilly Community Church
Exeter, California
“To Be An Example to the World”
The Late Reverend J. Hampton Keathley, III, Th., M.
Lord, as I humbly bow before you, help me remember that I may be the only face of Jesus that anyone ever sees today.
Remind me to listen, to smile, to be polite, and to show kindness to others.
Remind me to take time to help someone when there’s a need.
Help me do my best to do your will each day,
so I may encourage others to follow the example of Jesus Christ.
In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.