From the Pastor’s Desk – October 2016

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Pastor's Desk

Dear Friends,

“The vision of Main Street United Methodist Church Is to follow the example of Jesus Christ and to be an example to the world.”

 Our vision statement is a collection of noble words that reflect a collection of noble hearts and souls, that, on a good day, in a good week, over the course of a year, find ways of expression that give credit to our Christ-like intentions.

Just think “Education”: Our Education folks are people who regularly show up—teachers, Sunday School helpers, nursery workers, children and youth leaders, students of all ages; VBS planners/instructors/recreation leaders/food providers/clean-up crew/kids who show up; Harvest Festival planners/food providers/recreation leaders/clean-up crew/festival-goers; Relay for Life planners/set-up and clean up crews/all-day site keepers/walkers/luminary makers/inspiring cancer survivors.

Think “Mission”: South Elementary Welcome-Back planners/cooks/supply-contributors/set-up and clean-up folks/decorators/special guest school staff and teachers, helpers; Prayer Shawl Ministry knitters/prayer cards; Epworth Christmas gifts; Helping Hands; Nicaragua Winter mission; Men’s Ramp Ministry, and Red Cross Tournament, and Christmas Boxes; Elijah Jars for Campus ministry and Equitable Clergy Apportionments; Distribution of mission funds—UMCOR, No More Malaria, Free Medical Clinic, Healthy Learners, Pee Dee Coalition; our Salkehatchie Missioners at North Augusta and here in 100+ heat and humidity.

And think “Evangelism”: our weekly televised worship on Cable TV 8, and DVD’s to our homebound members; our revised website; our monthly newsletter that reaches beyond our membership into the conference/its devoted assemblers; our new Prayer Ministry whose team regularly inhabits our prayer chapel any given day and week; our weekly mission to the inmates at the Dillon County Law Enforcement Center—some of whom are on our baptismal roll and Constituent membership roll; our YMY and UMYF which attracts youth from outside our Main Street membership and are bursting the seams of their meeting room; our Lay Servants/ Speakers; knitted pocket squares from our Prayer Shawl Ministry to all our Salkehatchie Missioners; Scouts!

Please think “Finances”: We are a debt-free church, which means that we are not burdened by mortgages that can easily make “place” take precedent over “purpose” of our discipleship; a budget that allows us to worship, to learn, to offer hospitality in comfort, and to secure pledges/tithes/and other offerings, and to dream.

Which leads us to think “Trustees”: the real stewards of our facilities and properties, who have spent and continue to spend a whole lot of their busy day-job time here, attending to the often sudden needs and emergencies that a 100+ year-old building demands. They were extremely busy this year.

 So, also think “Administration”: your church staff are not merely ‘hirelings’ – we feel ‘called’, work well together, plan regularly, evaluate often, and to rely on a growing cadre of volunteers for support and back-up for Anna Alford, our now broken-in administrative engineer. Our Director of Music, Robin Thompson, is completing his twenty-fifth year (one quarter of our Centennial); just think of all the people he has engaged to inspire and delight us over the years. Our Church Council meets regularly to oversee everything we dream, plan, budget, and carry out; then they pray over us and thank God together for our church’s accomplishments.

 And finally, think of “Our History”: 100 years in this present building—on this site. We existed before them. These venerable walls have seen a lot of wonderful people inspire us, work and pray, and go. We celebrate them! They have promoted and shared faith to dream and build and disciple—and then left it all in our hands and hearts to continue and even transcend. I don’t think they intended us to stagnate and do only the things we’ve done before the way we’ve done them. Now we turn our attention to the next hundred years. Will they all be in this building? How many of us will live into whatever and wherever Main Street United Methodist Church becomes?



Supplement to the Pastor’s Report to the Charge Conference, September 19, 2016


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