Musical Notes – January 2017
Music Notes from Robin – January 2017
January of 2017 has arrived! I would like to begin by thanking the musicians of Main Street for their dedication and commitment in providing beautiful music during the Advent and Christmas seasons. Congratulations on a job well done! It is my sincere pleasure to work with each one of you. I would also like to thank the members of Main Street for their continued support of both the Music Ministry and of me. You, the Main Street family, make my job a pleasure. Thank you again from the bottom of my heart.
As the new year begins, it is my hope that the year will be a blessing for all. I am looking forward to preparing music for all the upcoming seasons and events. Rehearsals will resume on Wednesday, January 4, for the Junior Handbell Choir, The Sarah Allen Handbell Choir, and The Charles Wesley Choir. The new year is the perfect time to join one of these groups. Please feel free and welcome to come and share your talents in our church.
Happy New Year