Musical Notes – February 2016
Music Notes from Robin:
Can you believe that February 2016 has arrived? This month promises to be an eventful month musically, as Ash Wednesday begins the season of Lent. The Sarah Allen Handbell Choir, The Charles Wesley Choir, and The Junior Handbell Choir are all preparing new pieces that will be used in the morning worship services during February.
The Junior Handbell Choir is practicing a medley of “O Worship The King” and “Breathe On Me, Breath of God”. The Sarah Allen Handbell Choir is polishing Lloyd Larson’s arrangement of The Crusader’s Hymn—“Fairest Lord Jesus”, often called “Beautiful Savior”. The Charles Wesley Choir is learning Craig Courtney’s piece “The Image of God”, Lloyd Larson’s arrangement of “Savior Like A Shepherd Lead Us”, and Timothy Shaw’s anthem “More Love To Thee”.
I am so excited to have Richard, Charles, and Steve Cottingham share in the music at the morning worship service on Sunday, February 21—when Richard makes his Centennial Moment Presentation. The three brothers will be presenting a Medley entitled “Favorite Methodist Hymns” which includes “In the Garden”, “The Old Rugged Cross”, “How Great Thou Art”, and “Amazing Grace”. Charles will be singing the solo “The Greatest of These is Love” by Roberta Bitgood.
Please mark the date of Palm Sunday, March 20, for the annual Passion Festival now. Easter, the Passion Festival, and Holy Week are all early this year. Please come and worship with us at Main Street.