Musical Notes – November 2015
Notes from Robin:
November has arrived, and the eleventh month of 2015 is here. The celebration of Thanksgiving and the beginning of Advent will be observed in just a few weeks.
I would like to thank Sylvia Joyce, Jon Bozard, Arlene and David Boyd, and Shaw Thompson for their gifts to the music ministry in my absence. I have heard how beautiful the music has been, and I do appreciate the help. Thank you for a job well done!
November is going to be a musical month for Main Street. The Sarah Allen Handbell Choir is preparing a new piece by Michael Helman entitled “Walk With The Lord”, and the Junior Handbell Choir is preparing a new arrangement of “Jesus Loves Me”.
Sunday, November 1, will be Main Street’s annual celebration of All Saints Day. The Charles Wesley Choir has learned two new anthems for this service: Dan Forrest’s “When I Read My Title Clear”; and Lloyd Larson’s arrangement of Andraé Crouch’s “Soon and Very Soon”. This service will also include some traditional favorite selections as the lives of Main Street’s saints are celebrated.
Please come and be a part of worship here at our church during November. As always, thank you for the privilege of serving.