Music Happenings – April 2015

Published by BP on

April is here, and the month begins with the observance of Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and the celebration of Easter.  What a wonderful time in the church year and in Main Street United Methodist Church!

I want to thank the members of The Junior Handbell Choir, The Sarah Allen Handbell Choir, The Charles Wesley Choir, and the guest singers and instrumentalists for their hard work and dedication.  The Lenten services and the Passion Festival truly touched my heart and reinforced my love of being the Director of Music and Organist in our church.  Thank you for a job well done!

Easter Sunday will truly be a day of celebration, both spiritually and musically, beginning with the Sunrise Service followed by the eleven o’clock worship service.  Please make plans now to be a part of these special services.

On a personal note, I believe that this Easter is—for the first time—falling on my birthday, April 5.  My sister-in-law Rebecca Thompson and Susan Shuttleworth, Main Street’s Worship Chairman, share this birth date with me.  We all think this year is the first time that Easter has been on our birthday.  What a wonderful gift!




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