From The Pastor’s Desk – November 2015
From the Pastor’s Desk:
Dear Friends,
November in the church brings our annual Stewardship Pledging Emphasis for the next year. This year’s theme is “Let God Lead”. Our Pledge Sunday is November 22, during worship. To help prepare us spiritually, the two preceding Sundays, November 8 and 15, will offer biblical meditations from Matthew 10: the whisper of God and the shout of our witness. Pledge cards will be included in each week’s bulletin, so that those who wish, may prayerfully begin to consider and prepare what they will commit to God and the church for 2016, on November 22. As always, members—who are not able to be here on Pledge Sunday—may offer their pledges at a later date.
Each week I am increasingly gratified, indebted, and relieved by all the persons who give their time to the sometimes dull, duller, dullest phone-sitting here in the church office. And they manage to keep their cheer and charm, even in the long spans between calls and visitors at the door. I told Dolores the other day that it takes fifteen members to accomplish all her work: Mary Bailey, Kay Bass, Dorothy Bethea, Jon Bozard, Alice Braddy, Alpha Hartley, Kay Lynn, Julia McLaurin, Helen Moffett, Margaret Moody, Gail Pope, Lynn Rice, Joan Rogers; and all coordinated by Jackie Rowland, who makes sure that all the Monday-Thursday office hours are covered. A special thanks to Susan Newton, who first volunteered to try the financial responsibilities, and who did such a good job and has learned so much in the process, that she has kept at it, willingly! She is assisted by Alpha Hartley and Mary Bailey, and I try my best to stay out of their way and not cause trouble.
My guess is that some of these folks demure at being mentioned; but I hope they will forgive me for a heavy ounce of pride in them for the way they stepped forward in a very confusing and sometimes fretful situation.
In my opinion, a church can be one of the best volunteer organizations created; and Main Street Church has been at the top of my list of the good ones. THANK YOU! And for all who help us through prayers, boosts of morale, and other encouragements…….THANK YOU.
It’s always a little nerve-wracking when members of our choir and music ministry are gone; we depend on their presence and gifts to make our worship more meaningful and beautiful. In Robin’s absence, we were so very blessed with Sylvia Joyce’s and Jon Bozard’s playing, and for the choir’s strong vocal leadership. Isn’t it wonderful the way everything works out? Now that I’m learning some of what is to come for services in the weeks ahead—and for Christmas—I am very excited about what we’re going to experience during worship and special events!