Musical Notes – February 2017
Music Notes from Robin:
As the second month of 2017 arrives, the musicians of Main Street are in rehearsal and are preparing some exciting pieces for the morning worship services.
The Junior Handbell Choir is learning a new arrangement based on the “Old Hundredth” Tune of the Doxology. The Sarah Allen Handbell Choir is preparing Lloyd Larson’s arrangements of “Jesus Loves Me” and “Be Thou My Vision”.
The Charles Wesley Choir is in the process of polishing arrangements of three new anthems which include Craig Courtney’s “In the Image of God” (which has a beautiful flute part), Lloyd Larson’s “Savior Like a Shepherd lead Us”, and Sheldon Curry’s “Down to the River to Pray”. February will hopefully bless the musicians and the congregation at Main Street. Our church is a wonderful place to worship. Please come!
Happy Valentine’s Day!