Musical Notes – August 2015
One month of summer vacation is left. The end of August will see school resuming, and September will bring the resuming of weekly rehearsals for The Charles Wesley Choir, The Sarah Allen Handbell Choir, and The Junior Handbell Choir. Please watch your September newsletter and bulletins for details.
I am excited about resuming rehearsals, because I have some wonderful new music for each choir. I attended the Music and Liturgical Arts Conference at Lake Junaluska June 21-26 and was able to attend reading sessions (previewing, sight-reading, and singing the newest publications of music) presented by Morning Star, Beckenhorst, Lorenz, Hope, and Hinshaw publishing houses. I was fortunate enough to work with two of my favorite composers—Craig Courtney and Lloyd Larson—(names you may recognize from our bulletins) this year. I was able to find some beautiful instrumental and choral music for all the choirs.
A highlight of this year’s conference for me was attending several seminars hosted by the guest organist Dr. Jerry Westenkuehler, organist at Arborlawn United Methodist Church in Ft. Worth, Texas. I was inspired by Dr. Westenkuehler’s concert and his lectures on improvisation, modulation, and enriching your organ playing. I love returning from a conference and enjoying practicing the organ, as I try some new innovations and arrangements.
I also enjoyed singing with the Chamber Choir, a 50-voice choir of musicians, who prepare and present a concert of eight pieces in five rehearsals. The Lake Junaluska singers joined the Chamber Choir in our encore this year.
Thank you Main Street for allowing me this opportunity of continuing my education at this Lake Junaluska event. 2015 marked the 10th year that I have been able to attend this conference consecutively. I hope to enrich our worship services musically during the last months of the year with music and knowledge that this conference provided.
See you in church,